Visualize With Animatehouse
[verb an-uh-meyt; adjective an-uh-mit]
to give life to; make alive
to make lively, vivacious, or vigorous; give zest or spirit to
to fill with courage or boldness; encourage
to move or stir to action; motivate
to give motion to
to render or produce (a story, movie, etc.) by using animation
alive; possessing life
[noun, adjective hous; verb houz]
Noun, plural houses [hou-ziz] / hau ziz/.
a building in which people live; residence for human beings.
a household.
a building for any purpose
a theater, concert hall. Or auditorium
the audience of a theater or the like
Animatehouse was founded In 2001 by 3d artist, Alan Hymes. "While working in the spirit of photorealism, I have discovered that in the journey to, leaving little to the imagination, decisions are revealed and beauty exposed.
My favorite part of the process is not so much seeing a printed, finished work. It is being a part of the discovery where previously unforeseen issues are brought forward and quickly resolved."